Issue 02: Environmental Science, Pollution Research and Management ISSN 2693-7530

Publication Information

ISSN 2691-8803
Frequency: Continuous
Format: PDF and HTML
Versions: Online (Open Access)
Year first Published: 2019
Language: English

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Assessing cocoa farmers’ perception on changes in phonology and resilience of five desired shade trees in response to climate change: a strategy for mixed plantation and  ecosystem restoration in Adansi North District and Offinso Municipality of Ghana
*Corresponding author:Daniel Dompreh. Department of Silviculture and Forest Management, Faculty of Renewable Natural Resource, KNUST.

 DOI: 10.37722/ESPRAM.2023201


The Status of Surface Water at Three Selected Areas of Coastal Guyana and Removal of Contaminants Using a Suitable Natural Adsorbent
*Corresponding author: Raymond Jagessar, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Guyana; Email:

 DOI: 10.37722/ESPRAM.2023202