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ISSN: 2641-6816
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Year first Published: 2018
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Nourishment & Nutrient Information
(Some comments)
Monica Butnariu*, Ioan Sarac
1Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Timis, Romania.
Received Date: March 17, 2019; Accepted Date: March 20, 2019; Published Date: March 29, 2019
*Corresponding Author: Monica Butnariu, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, 300645, Calea Aradului 119, Timis, Romania. Email:
Citation: Butnariu M, Sarac I (2019) Nourishment & Nutrient Informations. Advn Nutri and Food Scie: ANAFS-128
Eating and choosing a balanced diet are permanent concerns of human society since ancient times. Nutrition, the most important component of quality of life, has been the engine of humanity. Since ancient times, with no knowledge of physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, society has evolved due to the need and desire to consume food. Throughout life, biological systems, including humans, are subject to stress that free radicals have an important contribution to. Nourishment a voluntary and conscious, and therefore educative process. This depends on a free decision of the individual. That's why adherence to healthier eating habits calls for a deep conviction. Nutrition is no doubt the custom that most influences people's health. Human Nutrition is the totality of the physiological processes by which the human body acquires the necessary nutrition to grow and develop, to obtain energy for vital processes, to restore tissues, etc.
Keywords: Diets on Health; Food; Nourishment; Nutrients; Nutrition; Obesity
The foods we eat contain various nutrients, each fulfilling a certain function in the body. Some build and repair tissues - which are the components of our bodies, such as bones, muscles, skin, hair, teeth and nails. Others provide energy or eliminate toxins that, if not removed, would be a danger to the body. So, it's important to eat a variety of foods that together contain the right amount of each nutrient. If a food is consumed in excess and the other is not consumed enough, some body functions will be affected, reflecting the overall health status [1]. The problem of establishing balanced nutrition is that although a basic model can be fixed, it must always be tailored to the needs of each individual. Age, lifestyle, even climate, can influence the balance of nutrients needed by every person at all times. Importantly, however, is to always consume good foods rich in nutrients to stay healthy, especially during adolescence, when the body is growing and growing [2, 3].
In recent years, the epidemic of obesity tends to expand both in children and young adults and adults, with immediate and long-term consequences on health, life expectancy and socio-economic status of the population. The multifactorial nature of obesity requires a tailor-made approach tailored to local conditions. Even if basic indicators are set, not all can measure at regional or local level the exact size of the problems, interventions or their effects, due to cultural, social or legal differences. Some companies that process and market food and food have already adopted a variety of programs that address the nutritional value and support of the quality of life of their products, which they include in education and marketing policies. The food industry thus becomes an important player in the fight against the malnutrition and supranathyroid (obesity) epidemics [4, 5].
In this sense, advertising and marketing mechanisms targeted at children and young people need to be carefully controlled as they support the formation of life-long behaviors. Consequently, the complexity and variety of causes that determine the state of nutrition require strategies and measures appropriate to the cultural, traditional and legal framework. Measuring progress towards the objectives set must also be appropriate to this framework. It is up to the central and local government to determine the criteria and the level to be reached within a certain timeframe using WHO-recommended indicators through evidence-based selection based on scientific research. The current crisis of confidence in food safety must be addressed with the nutritional imbalance that accounts for over 100 times more premature deaths than food poisoning in Europe [6, 7].
Nutrition is "a relationship between man and his food with the involvement of psychological and social aspects, as well as physiological and biochemical aspects. Nutrition has been defined as a "science that deals with determining the body's needs for food constituents, both qualitatively and quantitatively, as well as selecting the type of food." A more concise definition of nutrition was given by the Food and Drug Administration in the Council's view, nutrition is "the science of food, nutrients and their action, interactions and equilibrium in relation to health and disease, as well as the processes by which the body angels, digests, absorbs, transports, uses and excretes food."[8].
Nowadays, healthy nutrition is the fundamental component in the attempt to reduce non-communicable chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. The main recommendations aim at achieving goals such as increasing physical activity, reducing salt consumption, balancing intake and energy consumption, maintaining a healthy body weight, increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and reducing the consumption of saturated fat, trans providing an energy intake of between 25-30% of the total daily ration [1, 2]. It is also recommended to reduce the consumption of foods containing refined sugars and small molecules, as well as to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Research has focused on individual nutrients, so it is recognized that the occurrence of non-transmissible chronic and cardiovascular diseases is due to varied dietary factors [8].
Research also looked at the effects of full-time diets on health, demonstrating that dietary habits are associated with a reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and their risk factors and other chronic diseases. So, we do not have to focus on a single nutrient or food, but we have to consider the entire diet, because all the foods are good, but it counts on how much we consume each day to cover our daily needs in a balanced way [9-11].
The spread of nutrition disorders is astonishing and lightens the influence of social factors on our lives. Consuming fresh vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of chronic diseases. One of the characteristics of the last decades is the alarming and continual increase of nutrition diseases. It is known that these are mainly due to disorders of nutritional factor metabolism. These disturbances recognize exogenous, endogenous and mixed causes [4].
Exogenous causes undoubtedly matter their importance. Endogenous causes more important [9]. Certain hereditary, constitutional factors, as well as a series of endocrine dysfunctions (pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, gonads), have a resonance on the nutritional metabolism of the body. In terms of small factors, they result from the co-participation of exogenous factors with endogenous factors. It seems, however, that nutritional deficiencies caused by exogenous factors are very important. More than half of mortality factors are known to be due to cardiovascular disease (46% of cases). Along with other risk factors, sedentary, smoking, stress, and in close correlation with their non-nutritional diet and corollary, nutritional diseases (obesity, diabetes, dyslipidaemia) contribute to this increased mortality. Thus, compared to a frequency of 0.5% before World War II, diabetes today records a frequency of 4-8%. In the face of a known diabetic, there are 1-2 unknown diabetics [12-14].
Obesity has also risen to 23.6% in the royal environment and 27.7% in urban areas in our country. A role of no less importance is held by dyslipidaemias that record a 14% frequency in our country. One cannot ignore the role of nutrition in the genesis of atherosclerosis, which by its vascular complications (myocardial infarction, strokes, etc.) occupies the first place in general mortality. There is a direct relationship between cholesterol level and the frequency of cardiovascular disease. Thus, for every 1% cholesterol reduction, the risk of ischemic heart disease decreases by 2%. The direct links between hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipoproteinemia are also known [11]. All this, and many other arguments, justify the importance of nutrition in nutritional diseases. Diet in some diseases is the only remedy, in others 50% of the effectiveness of the treatment is dietary and in almost all it plays a very important role [9]. Of course, not all degenerative diseases should be taken exclusively into account. There are also a number of hereditary, constitutional factors, etc. However, in many diseases, and especially in nutrition, the determinant factor is the inconsistency between the foods consumed their burning in the body and the energy expenses, but especially the way of eating. A convincing example: sugar consumption has increased in the world in the last generation 5 to 6 times, and fat consumption has increased to the detriment of cereals, vegetables and fruits. But high fat intake, especially animal fats (containing saturated fatty acids) and sweets, leads to hyperlipidaemia, thus increasing lipids and cholesterol in the blood, with a direct role in the genesis of atherosclerosis. Excessive consumption of sweets and yogurt, also promotes the development of diabetes [15-17].
WHO European Region shows that most of them do not meet the recommended daily needs of at least 400g / person / day. The explanation appears primarily to be of an economic and financial nature because many of these countries are in a political and social crisis and / or crisis that has a negative impact on food security and the nutritional status of the population, of which the most affected, is the population of children and young people. To meet energy needs, the underprivileged people consume more saturated fats (which are cheaper), but this consumption raises the cholesterol level that increases the risk of chronic disease they are involved in. This process is also observed in rich countries where increased consumption of saturated fats is due to the expansion of consumption of foods distributed by fast-food units containing such fats and having a high salt content. In September 2000, the WHO Regional Committee for Europe supported the "First Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2000-2005" that promotes and supports the development and implementation of comprehensive nutrition and nutrition policies in the WHO European Region that will be listed the following paragraphs to highlight their importance in Romania as well[18, 19-21].The emergence of nutrition diseases in Western societies coincides directly with the globalization of food production, which has grown in the last 30-40 years. In recent years, a large proportion of the population around the world is following a weight loss regime. This does not mean that everyone is trying to lose weight, but that we have to create a diet. This diet means that we need to decide what we eat, in relation to the different medical information we have [16].
The American teenager suffers from anorexia, a disease of physical origin manifested by the obsession to have a beautiful figure that leads to giving up food for a moment. Anorexia and other nutritional illnesses reflect the situation in which women play a more important role in society than before, but continue to be appreciated by both their looks and achievements. Nutrition diseases are rooted in the sense of shame related to their own body. The woman feels inappropriate and imperfect, and her fears about others focus on her own body [22, 23].
Healthy Eating
Nutrition is the process by which the body receives the nutrients necessary to conduct physiological activities and provides its energetic, enzymatic, hormonal substrate necessary for the fulfilment of the main functions: relationship, nutrition and reproduction. Nutrition is a component of lifestyle alongside physical activity, mental health, and sleep. Definitions can be made about healthy lifestyles, but the most important thing is to behave in a way that reduces our risk of illness [21].The way we perceive our diet and the choices we make every day has a significant impact on our health and wellbeing. To be able to see visible effects, people need to understand that proper and healthy eating should not be occasional, but must be integrated into a lifestyle that will ensure overall health and longevity. No food can bring alone all the nutritional principles the body needs, but only a varied, moderate and balanced diet. Concerns about maintaining health have existed since antiquity. The "Double Perfection Principle" mentioned in the rabbinical writings (Talmud), the well-known Roman "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano", expresses the need to maintain a good physical and mental state. Writings included recommendations about diet, nutritional value of food, their toxicity. Concerns about diet are also found in Cornelius's work "De artemedica"[24-26, 27].
What is the role of food? Why do we eat?
Through nutrition we provide nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals and vitamins. They perform multiple roles: plastic, entering the structure of cell membranes (proteins and lipids), by participating in the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, nucleic acids, energy and antioxidant (vitamins).Also, nutrients: increase resistance to infections (vitamins), participate in the transmission of nerve impulses and function of the nervous system (vitamins B1, B6), keep the bone system functioning (calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D), prevent cavities [28, 29-31].
How do we eat?
Feeding is a necessity, but also a pleasure. The pleasant or unpleasant effect of food can act as an incentive for ingestion or avoidance of food intake. We usually eat when we are hungry to feel good. Normally, there must be a balance between food intake and energy consumption. The calorie requirement is individual depending on age, male / female, weight, height, physical activity [32-34].
The mechanism of regulation of food intake is complex
The trigger factors are represented by: lowering the level of nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins) in the blood; the release of adipokine (leptin and adiponectin) from adipose tissue; release of pancreatic hormones: insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, anorexic effect amylin (appetite suppression); release of digestive peptides: neutral-effect polypeptide Y, glucagon-like peptide-1, glycintinand oxymodulin, ghrelin, cholecystokinin and somatostatin, bombesin which are anorexigenic; thyroid hormones (increase or decrease food intake)[35-37]. The impulses in the periphery reach the nervous system, in the hypothalamus where there are control centers for food intake (the arcuate nucleus and the paraventricular nucleus) and it is ordered to increase or decrease it. In addition, the stimulation of certain areas of the brain (the accumbens nucleus) accompanies the increased consumption of very tasty foods with a high content of sucrose and fat. The prefrontal cortex and limbic system are involved in censorship and self-control of hunger and satiety [38, 39-41].
What we eat?
It is good to have a varied diet to provide the calorie requirement, but equally to respect the proportions of food principles and to ensure the need for vitamins and minerals. There are foods that we should eat daily: whole grains (bread, rice, and pasta), vegetables and fruits, milk, yogurt, cheese. White meat, fish, eggs should be eaten several times a week, and red meat, sweets several times a month. It is advisable to avoid over-consumption of chocolate sweets, creams, fast food foods, snacks. It is advisable to avoid consuming sugared beverages. Alcohol consumption should not exceed 25 g pure alcohol in women and 30 g in men [42]. We must pay attention to the nutritional labels that should contain: the caloric value of the food per serving or 100 g, the distribution based on nutritional principles: carbohydrates, lipids, cholesterol, protein, sodium, potassium, fiber, sugar. For organic (bio) food to be grown from animals without antibiotics or growth hormones and without using pesticides for fruit and vegetable cultivation [43, 4]. To avoid contamination of food with microorganisms, it is good to follow some rules: washing hands, washing all fruits and vegetables before eating, making the right food. Water can be contaminated with pesticides, lead, mercury, chlorine, microorganisms. Seafood can be contaminated with mercury resulting from industrial pollution [44].
Food Preparation
It is important to know the stages of food preparation, because by processing they undergo changes that cause the loss of nutritional content or the appearance of toxic compounds. The first stage in food processing consists in checking their sanitation status: fresh meat has elastic consistency and it is covered with a moist, non-peeled film and the juice is clear, the fresh cow's milk is white in winter and summer in summer, homogeneous, without impurities, taste Sweet, sweet must have a pleasant smell, fresh butter is yellow and homogeneous, oil must be clear, yellow, odorless, potatoes must be smooth, glossy and uncoiled, the cans should not show the bulging cap[23].Thorough defrosting of the meat is slow within 3 to 4 hours. Defrosting in hot water is not recommended. The eggs should be washed thoroughly with warm water before cooking. Vegetables and fruits are washed before use. By heat treatment the food undergoes transformation: by toast produces toxic and carcinogenic products (acrolein and acrylamides), vitamins are lost, boiling is lost vitamins, therefore it is recommended to boil in steam under pressure, preserving the food is protected by the oxidative action of the environment, by freezing, preserves the properties of the food, but thawing must be rapid if the food is cooked hot or slow if consumed raw [45, 29, 31].
Conclusions and Recommendations
In a world where population growth is accelerating (it is expected that by 2050 the world population will number about 10 billion inhabitants) and agricultural production is growing at a slower rate, it is necessary to find modern solutions that agriculture is provide sufficient amounts of food, a good quality.
Traditional agriculture is currently facing a number of extremely serious limitations:
- market constraints: in the conditions of globalization, the rules of a free market undermine local price policies, which are dictated by international trends and policies;
- natural resources are increasingly becoming limiting factors for the development of traditional agriculture due to climate change, industrialization and urbanization that cause damage to soil, water and air quality;
- Biological (genetic) resources are inevitably limited. Thus, although considered very effective at first, obtaining and releasing in the environment of plants improved by traditional methods became extremely slow, failing to meet the requirements, and the number of natural attributes that can be improved by these methods is very small.
Experts believe that to overcome these problems, besides continually improving farming practice, there are two solutions: finding alternative food sources (e.g. harvesting marine resources) or plant breeding by biotechnological methods. Although for some people biotechnology is an area somewhat controversial by integrating biotechnological methods with classical methods of amelioration (both in plants and animals) we can achieve results that will please everyone, possibly triggering a revolution 'green ' in agriculture.
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