A Novel Approach to the Management of Obesity, Economically For Multiple Diseases Prevention

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A Novel Approach to the Management of Obesity, Economically For Multiple Diseases Prevention

Vinod C Tawar *

Family physician and Clinical researcher Clover hill medical clinic, surrey, Canada

Received Date: December 21, 2019; Accepted Date: January 04, 2020; Published Date: January 24, 2020
*Corresponding author: Vinod C Tawar, Family physician and Clinical researcher Clover hill medical clinic, surrey, b.c. Canada. Email: tawar.vinod@yahoo.com

Citation: Tawar VC (2020) A Novel Approach to the Management of Obesity, Economically For Multiple Diseases Prevention. Adv in Pub Health, Com and Trop Med: APCTM-104.

      There is a well-recognized fact that obesity is a causative factor to many life-threatening diseases.  In general, lifestyle, family history, inactivity, medications etc.  Are known contributors  however,  irrespective of contributors losing weight  has been a challenging issue i.e. cost, motivation, compliance  effectiveness  has been impractical for many suffering from obesity leads to diabetes, ischemic heart disease, de-ression, arthritis , all-cause mortality, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, stroke, gallbladder disease, obstructive sleep apnea, asthma, pancreatic and reproductive organs related cancers.

     Our current research was conducted over 12-16 weeks and included 38 patients.  A review of their medical history revealed poor heating habits, depression, diabetes, hypertension and inactivity to least a few. The method consisted of training patients to self-inject subcutaneously over abdominal surface on lateral flanks alternatively every 3 days, under supervision until they were effectively injecting vitamin b12   o.5cc   and pyridoxine hydrochloride each and on subsequent visit they would to other flank on a similar area. Once trained the patients were seen on a weekly basis.  A pre-treatment lab assessment was done and at the conclusion of treatment, however they were weighed at each visit.  Additional measures included calorie-wise diet and light aerobic exercises 20-30 minutes 3 times per week.

Past Investigations
      Govt. of Canada in 1994 had published an article about the obesity and its impact on economy and health [1]. Subsequently in 2007, an algorithm   of the management of obesity was outlined [2]. Next Hainer, et al.  In 2008, discussed the role of obesity in diabetes care supplement [3] in 2010 ,  cdc guidelines emphasized the significance of dietary control  in preventing obesity [4]   next , executive summary of guidelines included management of overweight  and obesity  in adults in 2013 [5]. Subsequently in 2013, a publication highlighted on the issue of health consequences of being overweight in 2013 [6]. On a following publication in 2014, guidelines for the management of overweight and obesity in adults were stated [7]. European guidelines in 2015 included for obesity management in adults [8] Austric, et al. in 2018 highlighted on changes in food rewards considerations during weight management aspect [9]. Next, Drummen M, et al.    Studied dietary protein and energy balance in relation to obesity and co-morbidity [10]   finally in 2o18, o’neil p.m. et al. did a comparative study of semaglutide and liraglutide 7 placebo in terms of efficacy and safety. The end results showed semaglutide in combination with physical activity, dietary and activity counselling showed more effectiveness and better tolerance [11].

Patients Selection

      A common issue in majority of the patients was having diabetes and of Indiaorigin, attributed to surrounding population.  The distribution of male to female ratio was approximately 1:5, in the age category of 30 to 72 in males and females from 22 to 58. Their past treatments  contributing or absence of included hypothyroidism in activity, oa ,  dmm , depression,, chronic pain , gad , fatigue , , obesity  for unidentified factors, , ischemic heart disease, soft tissue injuries,  etc..  Other factors contributing to obesity were life styles, family history, eating disorders and drugs (glyburide, phenothiazines, gliclazide and insulin.).

Results Enclosed in Tables


1 SM 55 2 YEARS 7 DAYS
2 INM 85 10 DAYS 10 DAYS
3 J. K 62 5 MONTHS 3 DAYS
4 SK 35 3 YEARS 7 DAYS
5 H. V 76 2 YEARS 2 MONTHS
10 JL 76 10 YEARS 3 MONTHS
11 NN 65 8 YEARS 1 MONTH
12 JN 60 3 YEARS 2 WEEKS
13 DG 76 10 YEARS 2 MONTHS
16 WS 89 15 YEARS 2 MONTHS
17 AR 52 10 YEARS 4 MONTHS
18 AM 57 12 YEARS 6 MONTHS
19 VT 75 20 YEARS 4 MONTHS
20 PT 69 4 YEARS 1 MONTH
21 KL 45 6 YEARS 1 MONTH
23 LK 59 10 YEARS 2 MONTHS
24 GP 52 4 YEARS 1 MONTH
25 KS 57 20 YEARS 3 MONTHS

·                     Number of Patients: 26

·                     Most- Diabetic Patients

·                     A few- Smokers

·                     One- Accidental Freezing

·                     Age 35-89 Years

·                     Duration DM 2- 20

·                     Duration TX 3D – 3MOS

·                     Relapse.


No. INIT AGE SEX Pre WT Past HX Post WT DUR.TX Changes BMI Outcome
1 JL 32 F 178 HYPOTHY 161 16 4 FERTILITY
2 KL 37 M 210 DM 200 12 1 DEPC.AIC
3 ST 52 F 162 A 148 16 3 A
4 EH 49 F 172 OA 165 14 3 DEC.PAIN
5 SD 58 F 180 CP 126 16 4 DEC.PAIN
6 DA 72 M 190 DM 180 12 3 DEC.AIC
7 AC 54 F 172 DEP. 168 12 2 MOT.
8 SC 58 F 155 CP 142 12 2 DEC.PAIN
9 SS 88 F 170 OA 151 16 3 DEC.PAIN
10 AG 30 M 180 GAD 163 16 4 MOT.
11 BP 32 F 172 FAT 160 12 1 MOT.
12 RC 22 F 164 FAT 141 12 3 MOT.
13 VV 30 F 182 OBE 162 16 4 MOT.
14 CS 54 F 189 IHD 175 12 3 A
15 BA 42 M 170 DM 159 16 2 DEC.AIC
16 VK 44 F 168 STIGAD 155 12 3 A, DEC.PAIN
17 VJ 24 F 150 DM 135 12 3 DEC.PAIN
18 SR 49 F 155 DM 145 12 1 DEC.PAIN
19 BD 62 F 200 DM 190 12 1 DEC.PAIN
20 JS 49 F 201 DM 185 12 3 DEC.PAIN
21 SU 60 F 210 DM 190 10 3 MOT.
22 GL 39 F 176 OBE 175 12 3 DEC.AIC MOT
23 PC 41 M 195 DM 172 12 3 DEC.AIC MOT
24 PS 26 M 200 FAT 188 10 4 MOT.
25 SM 47 F 182 ETH 176 08 1 ETH,GAD
26 JU 49 F 162 FAT 150 12 2 MOT.
27 TI 55 F 170 OA 148 16 3 DEC.PAIN
28 MR 58 F 172 FAT 149 16 2 MOT.
29 KN 31 F 165 DED. 151 12 2 DEC.PAIN
30 AR 52 F 186 DM 172 12 2 DEC.AIC
31 GG 31 F 172 FAT 164 12 2 MOT.
32 SA 52 F 172 DM 158 16 2 DEC.AIC
33 AH 49 F 176 DM 152 14 2 DEC.PAIN
34 SD 36 F 168 DM 158 10 2 MOT.
35 KS 40 F 165 DM 143 10 3 DEC.AIC
36 SD 52 F 168 FAT 156 08 2 MOT.


MOT: Motivation

PREG: Pregnancy

A: Increased/Active

FAT: Fatigue


        Results at the conclusion of study indicated highest compliance, motivation, and a consistent weight loss of 8-10 pounds / month.  The lost weight mostly remained sustained.  Most importantly, the approach remained most economical (30-40 dollars) for a 12-14 week period. Prior to participation in the study some patients had spent thousands of dollars at commercial facilities with rigid controls and had regained the weight drastically at the rate it was lost.  This was a main reason of designing the study. A 56 year female patient had lost 35 pounds resulting in a BMI of normal value. Her visit after 3 years showed a sustained weight loss. The parameters considered in the documentation of results are age, sex, pre tx wt. past hx, post tx weight, duration of tx, changes in bmi, and outcome of the research.  The participants did not experience any adverse reactions from vitamin injections.

Factors Affecting Weight Loss

  • Compliance, motivation
  • Diet- calories control.
  • Pre-morbid illnesses

      The duration of study was 16 weeks. The study included 36 participants. A majority of participants were from India with history of having diabetes, in age group 24to 88. Illnesses other than diabetes were hypothyroidism, chronic pain, osteo-arthritis, fatigue, obesity, fatigue, generalized anxiety disorder and ischemic heart disease.  The duration of participation included 8 to 16 weeks.  The resulting decrease in bmi included 1 to 4 improving fertility, decreasing severity of pain, increasing motivation towards fitness and decreasing severity of diabetes.

      In summary, the weight loss approach being an economical option with pro-active patient’s involvement appears to be a valuable, feasible process of multiple diseases prevention in Canada overall cost of medications was approx. 40 dollars/ 3 months.


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  2. “ALGORITHM OF THE MGT. OF OBESITY” in cmajapril 2007
  3. “Diabetic Care Suppl,” 2:5269-77:31, 2008.
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  5. American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines, Obesity Expert Panel (2014) Executive summary: Guidelines (2013) for the management of overweight and obesity in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and the Obesity Society published by the Obesity Society and American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Based on a systematic review from the The Obesity Expert Panel, 2013. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2: S5-39.
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  10. Drummen M, Tischmann L, Gatta-Cherifi B, Adam T, Westerterp-Plantenga M (2018) Dietary Protein and Energy Balance in Relation to Obesity and Co-morbidities. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 6: 9:443
  11. O'Neil PM, Birkenfeld AL, McGowan B, Mosenzon O, Pedersen SD, et al. (2018) fficacy and safety of semaglutide compared with liraglutide and placebo for weight loss in patients with obesity: a randomised, double-blind, placebo and active controlled, dose-ranging, phase 2 trial. Lancet 392: 637-649.