On The Availability Of Soil Nutrient Elements In The Southeastern Part Of The Lesser Caucasus
RANS Aliyev Z.H *
Institute for soil science and agricultural chemistry, NAS of Azerbaijan.
Received Date: 20th August, 2018; Accepted Date: 24nd August, 2018; Published Date: 3rd September, 2018
*Corresponding author: RANS Aliyev Z.H, Institute for soil science and agricultural chemistry, NAS of Azerbaijan. Email: zakirakademik@mail.ru
Citation: RANS Aliyev Z.H (2018) Scientific Substantiation Of The Application Of The Aerospace Research In Improving Irrigation In The Conditions Of Mineral Farming In Azerbaijan. Adv in Nutr Fd Sci: ANAFS-106.
As a result of our study, it was determined the actual status of soils in South-Eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains, in one of the most ancient agricultural zones of the Republic, where it was studied the agro ecological characteristics eroded soil here. Taking into account the quality points are designed for and fully recommended scientifically based system of erosion control measures. Genetic and production evaluation of land located in the system of vertical zonality, different in their genetic properties and taxonomic affiliation and bonitirovochny grouping of eroded soils in conditions of Azerbaijan.
Keywords: cartogram, crop yields, glossary, mineral fertilizers, scale, slope, soil erosion;
Rational use of the Land Fund is one of the main objectives of Socialist agriculture. Proper use of land contributes to the increase of agricultural production, lowers it costs.
In the mountainous areas under the influence of erosion processes reduced soil fertility and productivity of land, resulting in diminishing productivity of summer and winter pastures, crops, worsening crop quality indicators . On eroded slopes due to deteriorating soil fertility, crop yields in medium washed out soils falls in -2 1.5 times, and on strongly washed out in 3-4 times in comparison with non-eroded.
The complex of activities that ensure the improvement of soil fertility and getting them high yields crops of great importance is the differential application of mineral fertilizers, which include phosphate and potash fertilizers.
Progress and discussion of results:
In order to apply rational doses of phosphate and potash fertilizers and crop fertility alignment, it is necessary to cartograms the content of digestible phosphorus in soils and potassium Exchange and grouped according to their level of soil Security. To this end was drafted cartogram availability of soil the South-Eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus assailable phosphorus (P2O5) and Exchange potassium (K2O5).
Ecology-bonitirovochny grouping and cartogram soil quality can serve as a scientific basis for assessment of eroded soils of different fertility potential. Introduction of the developed conservation activities will contribute to the protection of land territory and improve the efficiency of agriculture.
When planning to use lands under various crops should be guided by the cartograms soil quality. Mineral fertilizers under the main crops should be produced on the basis of cartograms of nutrients using soil-resistant machinery. It is established that the amount of phosphorus in soils, mainly depends on the geochemical characteristics of soil formation and the content of this element in the soil forming rocks.
In this regard, the soil of the area provided assailable phosphorus (P2O5) to varying degrees, the number of digestible phosphorus in 0-30 cm layer ranges from 15 to 45 mg/kg, which includes the amplitude of the graduation degree of soil from a very weak security to high. On the basis of universally accepted grading, soil area on content of digestible phosphorus (p2o5) combined into the following groups: very weak, -15-15-30, 30-45 and average increased more than 45 mg/kg.
- Soils group this group provided assailable phosphorus (p2o5) in a very weak degree. 0-30 cm layer of phosphorus content and exceeds 15 mg/kg the area occupied by the likes of soils is 23662.5 hectares or 33.48 percent of the total area of the district and is in need of an intensive introduction of phosphate fertilizers.
- 2nd Group: The soil of this group provided assailable phosphorus in weak degree. In 0-30 cm layer contains 15-20 mg/kg of phosphorus. The soils of this group occupy 35367.0 hectares or 50.03% and need intensive introduction of phosphate fertilizers.
- 3rd Group: This group provided assailable phosphorus in high degree. The content of the substance 0-30 cm layer ranges from 30 to 45 mg/kg. The soil of this group occupy 6900.0 hectares or 9.76% of the total area of the district and need differentiated making phosphate fertilizers.4 soil band.
Provided with phosphorus and high degree of assailable. The content of the substance 0-30 cm soil layer is more than 45 mg/kg. Soil, members of this group occupy 2627.5 hectares or 3.72% of the total area of the district. When you use these soils under crops should reduce the dose applied phosphorus on 50%. The soil of the area according to the degree of availability of Exchange potassium (K2O5) combined into the following groups: very weak-less than 300; 300-400; average weak-400-600 and increased-more than 600 mg/kg.
1-I group-soils of this group are provided with very low rates of potassium. In 0-20 cm layer of Exchange potassium content not exceeding 300 mg/kg. The total area of these soils is 42327.5 hectares or 59.88% of the total area of the district.
The soil 2-nd group of poorly secured Exchange potassium (k2o5). Exchange potassium Quantity ranges from 301.2 to 397.6 mg/kg Soil this group occupies 9222.0 HA, or 13.05% of the total area of the district.
Group 3-Soils of this group in moderately secured Exchange potassium (K2O5) the content of which is from 407.2 to 590.4 mg/kg Soil this group occupies 13495.0 HA or 19.09% of the total area.
4-I group-this group provided Soil potassium in high degree. In 0-30 cm layer of potassium content exceeding 600 mg/kg.
They basically represented the mountain-meadow and mountain-forest types, the total area of 3512.5 hectares or 4.97% of the total area of the district. Given that the main criteria for the application of potash fertilizers under crops is assimilated forms availability of soils of this element, when introducing potassium fertilizers, you must use cartograms’. Under crops and vineyards on the weak and average provision soils to make the full rule of potassium on the background of nitrogen and phosphorus.
To secured sites under a dose needed to make ½ but under cereal 1/3 from the full rules.
Ecology-bonitirovochny grouping and cartogram soil quality can serve as a scientific basis for assessment of eroded soils of different fertility potential. Introduction of the developed conservation activities will contribute to the protection of land territory and improve the efficiency of agriculture. The main criteria for the development of bonitirovochny the scale formed genetic-productive features of soils, agro-ecological and biogeographically factors of the region.
As a result, soil as a reference for the mountain-meadow zone taken unwashed mountain-meadow-steppe, mountain-forest- unwashed mountain-forest Brown leached, farming-mining unwashed Brown stupefied . Detected system correction coefficients for soil properties and their degree of erosion. Establishment of soil quality indicators based on soil fertility and climatic characteristics of the region. Compiled cartogram quality provides insight into the degree of vertical zonality of soil productivity. On the gentle slopes of the need to conduct landing perennials, tillage implement across a slope; on strongly washed out plots producing seeding of perennial grasses, as well as to establish shelterbelts forest plantings. When planning to use lands under various crops should be guided by the cartograms soil quality.
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